witches in salem

What really happened during the Salem Witch Trials - Brian A. Pavlac

History's Greatest Mysteries: The Salem Witch Trials Cause Darkness and Death (Season 5)

5 Things That Really Happened at the Salem Witch Trials | Teen Vogue

What Really Happened in Salem 300 Years Ago?

America's First Conspiracy | The Salem Witch Trials

The Salem Witch Trials weren't really about witches... #ForbiddenHistory | Strea, on SBS On Demand

The Salem Witch Trials

I Spent the Day With Salem's Satanists & Witches

11 Myths About the Salem Witch Trials

What caused the Salem witch trials?

Site Of Salem Witch Hangings Discovered

A real Salem witch debunks misconceptions

The Truth of the Salem Witch Trials

The Four Witches of the Apocalypse - Escape from Salem

Salem Witch 101: Witchcraft Explained

The Salem Witch Trials - Deep Dive History & Real Locations - What Happened, Where, & Why

Zach Woods is Pro Salem Witch Trials

Take a tour-Salem Witch house. 1600's era house of Jonathan Corwin.

What would you wear to a Witches’ Ball? 🌙 #pidgindoll #salem #salemwitchtrials #halloween #witches

I Bought An Original “Witch Hunting” Book From Salem Witch Trials.. 🧙‍♀️ #shorts

The Shocking History and Legacy of the Salem Witch Trials

Salem Witch Trials - Visiting The Historic Sites 4K

Jeff Daniels Learns his Family Testified in the Salem Witch Trials

Salem Massachusetts City Travel Guide | Top Attractions & Witch Trial Adventures & Halloween!